Press Release

HEHROS Winter Coat Drive



November 29, 2017

Contact: Kayla Covert

Phone: 540-555-5555



Student Government Association (SGA) has partnered up with Helping Eradicate Homelessness through Resources, Opportunities and Supplies (HEHROS), to extend the coat drive beyond Nov. 13-16, 2017. This event takes place on Radford University campus in the Bonnie lobby from 11am-2pm.

Juliana Stanley, the president of SGA, who is a junior at Radford University majoring in communication studies is the one behind making this great event happen. She wanted the coat drive to be extended so faculty at Radford could get involved. Therefore, partnering up with HEHROS is what made that possible.

HEHROS helps out with homeless students on campus. Therefore, there was no better group to partner up with SGA since this event helps out our very own students on campus who cannot afford a good winter coat. Having SGA and HEHROS combine their groups made it easier to have this event go on for more days and longer hours.

Dr. Scott Dunn, associate professor in the School of Communication, could not be more appealed by this and the idea to extend to get faculty involved also. “If you have used coats you can donate, they’ll be used to stock a closet for students who need winter coats and can’t afford one.”  See the source image

Radford students love the idea of this coat drive since it is a way to help their own Radford University community. Junior Radford student, Natalie Guden, who is an education major loves the idea of this coat drive. “It gets really cold up here and I could not imagine not having a thick winter coat. I think if anyone has some extra jackets they should donate!”

HEHROS is a program on Radford Universities campus to help Radford students who are homeless, at risk of being homeless or in transitioning while on campus. Their goal is to mitigate the challenges the students face and enhance their quality of life. They help students out by connecting them with available resources and empowering them to succeed.








December 13, 2017

Contact: Kayla Covert

Phone: 540-555-5555


Drunkorexia is a Serious Problem on College Campuses Nationwide


Drunkorexia was first brought up in 2008 by a news broadcast CBS produced, it said it effects mostly college students. Due to this problem, many colleges have on-campus abuse centers to help combat this issue.

Drunkorexia is a colloquialism for self-imposed starvation or binge eating /purging combined with alcohol abuse. The term is generally used to denote the utilization of extreme weight control methods as a tool to compensate for planned binge drinking.

Radford University is no exception when it comes to this, many students on weekends do this but most did not even realize it was a real thing. A lot of students also do not realize it can be harmful to them, since it is a combination of binge drinking and poor dieting.

Madison Dillard a Junior studying physical education had no idea there was an actual term to go along with this behavior. “I think most college students have done this a few times, I know I have but I never knew that there was a word that went along with it or that it can be so dangerous for you.”

This term is said, out of all college students it effects the biggest group it effects is sororities and fraternities. The reason they fall under the biggest group is due to fact they are the ones who throws most of the parties off campus. Most people are not surprised that they fall under the biggest percentage of college students.

Darin Lastier a Junior Studying Computer Science with a minor in psychology and a member of a fraternity on campus says he sees this every weekend from his fraternity brothers and others on the weekends. “I think we have all purposely not ate a lot one night so they alcohol would hit us faster or if we did not go to the gym that day we wouldn’t feel bad about all the calories we were about to drink.”

Even though a lot of students does not see it as a bad thing since they only do it once or twice a weekend it can be a serious problem for others. To help combat substance abuse at Radford University they have a program called SAVES (Substance Abuse and Violence Education Support). This program does not only help students with substances abuse but also a great deal of other issues students may be facing.

Radford University’s Substance Abuse and Violence Education Support services (SAVES) is dedicated to reducing negative consequences related to substance abuse and/or violence through campus wide initiatives that address these issues and promote student success.


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